Sans diplôme, mon invention est le meilleur investissement international dans le combat contre le virus de la grippe. Pour l'instant voici quelques remèdes contre la grippe. Without a degree, my invention is the best international investment in the fight against the influenza virus. For now here are some remedies against influenza.
samedi 30 octobre 2010
Caméras de circulation: Circulation - MétéoMédia
Je n'ai pas l'intention de me retrouver à l'hôpital pour une grippe. Cela n'arrivera pas, parce que je tue la grippe. C'est le plus près de l'hôpital qu'on me trouvera pour prendre une photo. Je me demande si quelqu'un va imaginer ma méthode pour guérir de la grippe. C'est si facile et ça ne coûte rien, pas 1 ¢. Bien sûr, je demande $50 million pour mon idée. Je fais comme Wall Street, c'est l'offre contre la demande. On paie très cher les meilleurs.
lundi 25 octobre 2010
Le Ketchup
samedi 23 octobre 2010
System let parents and kids down in flu jab debacle
A REPORT into what went wrong with this year's seasonal flu vaccine for kids deserves our attention. The West Australian Health Department's Ministerial Review into the Public Health Response into the Adverse Events to the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine sought to uncover the reason for "an alarming rise in adverse events following immunisation" that included vomiting, diarrhoea and febrile convulsions. Four weeks after the vaccination program began, Australia's chief medical officer advised doctors across the country to stop giving the shot to children under five.
We still do not know what caused the estimated 800 per cent increase in the number of febrile convulsions experienced by children who got the jab this year. But the review does shed light on other aspects of the health scare.
First, it reveals an adverse event reporting system that is cumbersome and grossly unequal to its task of early detection of problems. There is no single agency responsible for monitoring and neither of those involved – including the Therapeutic Goods Administration – make it easy for parents and GPs to log adverse events. Existing methods of compiling and analysing various floaty bits of paper are slow and inefficient.
Add to this the inability to ascertain the total number of injections given – the all important denominator figure essential to knowing whether the reported number of adverse events is higher than expected – and you have a system the report describes as neither "robust or timely".
It also fails to conform to World Health Organisation recommendations on mass immunisation programs. Each year Australia has only a short period to develop and test the seasonal influenza vaccine before it must be approved and manufactured. This means clinical trials are limited and that – to quote the WHO – "further testing of safety and effectiveness will need to take place after administration of the vaccine has begun".
To achieve this, countries must implement post-vaccine surveillance systems that monitor the product for safety and efficacy. However, Australia's doesn't. Not only are our usual monitoring systems plagued by structural deficiencies but we also failed to keep in place the monitoring the WHO recommended for the swine flu pandemic shots.
This was particularly unfortunate, the review notes, given that the 2010 immunisation was "significantly different" to previous seasonal flu vaccinations and the program involved very young children.
Needless to say, parents knew none of this. They thought their government wouldn't give vaccines to young children that had not been adequately tested. When their children were injured, some began researching the vaccine and discovered their faith was misplaced. The experience not only damaged trust in vaccination programs but the public health system more generally.
So where to now? For a start, every one of the review's recommendations should be implemented. If time constraints associated with getting flu immunisations to market mean safety and efficacy tests must continue after vaccine administration starts, it is imperative our post-vaccine surveillance systems provide rigorous, efficient, online and real-time monitoring of the number and type of adverse events in relation to the overall number of doses given. It is also vital for parents to be adequately informed about the testing and safety of flu immunisation.
What happened this year was not good enough. Not at all.
vendredi 22 octobre 2010
Novartis says flu vaccine meets study goals - BusinessWeek
Novartis says flu vaccine meets study goals - BusinessWeek
You are hurting the children with your needles. Don't invest in flu business, because of me you will lose your money. I do not recommend flu shots, because I kill the flu.
jeudi 21 octobre 2010
Une étude qui fera date : Afexa lance un essai clinique pédiatrique multicentrique sur le remède contre le rhume et la grippe COLD-FX(R) - 500 enfants seront recrutés
Vous gaspillez votre argent si vous investissez dans ce remède. Je ne dépense pas 1¢ pour combattre la grippe. Avec facilité, je la tue la grippe.
mardi 19 octobre 2010
lundi 18 octobre 2010
Grippe : Faut-il se faire vacciner?- |
Pour la grippe, je dis non parce que ma méthode est supérieur.
vendredi 15 octobre 2010
mercredi 13 octobre 2010
Dr. Bob Sears: Why You Shouldn't Mix Flu Shots With Other Vaccines
We don't need flu vaccine, like there is no flu in hot summer.
lundi 11 octobre 2010
Biondvax begins Phase IIa universal flu vaccine trial - Globes
Don't invest in flu business, because of me you will lose your money.
samedi 9 octobre 2010
BARDA Funds Year-Round Egg Supply for Pandemic Flu Vaccine -
Give me $50 million and the flu ends with me. Because I kill the flu. You only pay one time and that it of the flu virus. Save the eggs for food. Be advised that people working in the flu business should look elsewhere for a job.
Grippe : la désinformation continue
Il n'est pas difficile d'imaginer qu'un fabricant de vaccin contre la grippe fera la promotion de son bon produit. Avec le temps, la méfiance s'installe après avoir eu affaire à toute sorte de vendeurs. Surtout avec les vendeurs d'automobiles d'occasions, on a assez donné. Sans doutes leur produit est de qualité et a sauvé des vies. Mais je vais fermer leurs mines d'or et ils devront trouver une autre maladie. Car je tuerai la grippe pour $50,000,000 bien sûr.
Women: Fewer Cold/Flu Symptoms, Higher Energy Levels with Wellmune WGP -
Wellmune WGP est un ingrédient naturel qui améliore les cellules immunitaires pour combattre la grippe et corps étrangers.
vendredi 8 octobre 2010
Aliments pour prévenir la grippe
Enfant, quand on se levait avec une toux du matin. Je me souviens que ma mère nous donnait une cuillère à soupe de miel et de beurre fondu sur le rond de poêle. Je ne connais pas les effets exacts sur la santé. Mais, je peux vous dire que c'était délicieux au point de faire semblant d'avoir la grippe. Il était inutile d'essayer de tromper la mère.
semaine du 12 sep au 25 sep 2010
Tests positifs au niveau national
12 sep - 25 sep, 2010 | Total de la saison de la grippe 2009-2010 (30 août – 25 sep 2010) | |||
Grippe | H1N1 | Grippe | H1N1 | |
Alberta | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Colombie-Britannique | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Manitoba | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Nouveau-Brunswick | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Nouvelle-Écosse | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Ontario | 7 | 0 | 7 | 0 |
Île-du-Prince-Édouard | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Québec | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Saskatchewan | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Canada | 11 | 0 | 13 | 0 |
mercredi 6 octobre 2010
Scientists review fate of pandemic H1N1 flu virus - Sci/Tech - DNA
Scientists review fate of pandemic H1N1 flu virus - Sci/Tech - DNA
Ahead of the Bell: Walgreen - BusinessWeek
I say don't invest in flu business. I will kill the flu. Get ready to lose your job.
mardi 5 octobre 2010
Achoo. Protect Yourself from the Flu | The Daily New Canaan
These tips help prevent the spread of flu, but my way kill the flu easily.
lundi 4 octobre 2010
samedi 2 octobre 2010
Grippe A (H1N1): le point sur la vaccination passée et à venir
Moi, je tue la grippe et personne ne me connait encore. Les gens meurent inutilement de la grippe.
vendredi 1 octobre 2010
Picture of Health: Flu vaccines safe for children allergic to eggs - Health care, wellness, food nutrition, exercise, medical research news by reporters Kelly Brewington, Meredith Cohn and Andrea K. Walker -
Flu vaccine is updated every year. Children younger than 5 are at highest risk of serious flu complications including hospitalizations and death.
CIDRAP >> Studies explore working in a pandemic, working sick
Nice numbers in that studies, but I can change those numbers to 100% or 0%. It depends.